About 9 yrs. ago we started giving just a few bagfuls of books (about 35 or so in each) of pictures, songs and stories for KG children. The reception was rousing, unbelievable! With the books the teachers and mentors felt empowered. As the ‘word’ spread, more and more communities wanted books for their young and very soon for the mentors too! The response has been overwhelming.
Not only the quantity but even for quality contents of books they ask for, has been astonishing!
The field reports we receive show that ‘PaanPoee’ Vachanalay Reading makes profound difference to the life of the readers. It is best expressed in hundreds of spontaneous letters, some reproduced in the ‘Responses’.
From the modest beginning in 2003, with few 30/40 book-bag ‘(Library)’, now our ‘PaanPoee’ books, (well over 32,000), are read now by over 30,000 readers, in over 80 PaanPoee centers and sub -centers, all helped with devotion by over 640 teachers, hobby class volunteers, social workers, etc. spread over 9 districts..
Just in 9 years!! And ALL FOR FREE!
Attaining this growth and reach in scattered villages and communities, on our own, was impossible. But thanks to the good networking with other NGOs and in particular Vanasthali, our main associates helping with their dedicated army of village teachers and workers to operate the centers and HOH (Home of Hope) in California for grants, and also support by friends, ‘PaanPoee’ is contributing to Literacy and better Life of people.
Good Reading : PaanPoee offers in ‘Real’ time: Empowering unprivileged Village Lives in India. |